Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday in hospital

Well, we came in this morning cuz my BP had risen and I was getting everywhere from 156/113 and 147/99 was lowest. So I showered, packed, and came on in only to start reading lower bps! Mind you, I am on double by BP dosage but we but we are confused why so high at home and not here. We waited for about 3hrs for dr patel to come by, sure we were going home, but nope. Something was off in my urine and blood- not clear what or why and he said I was a. Trifecta of risk for sudden onset of preeclampsia and he wanted me to be admitted and get a cathater for a clean 24hr collection. I was dismayed. Either do the c-section or send me home! I suspect McDonald, my doc will prob go ahead with it tomorrow since we are scheduled for wed anyway.

So I am now hooked up with a foley (cathater) which absolutely sucks by the way. Get it after an epidural is the way to go. 6hrs later and mybody has finally accepted it only to have it start leaking! First time I was standing to strech ad almost thought my water broke. Well its leaked 3 more times. Just a bit but I refuse to get a new one and we are making do wth towels. Bet ya wanted to know all this huh?

Nice big room, loved our day nurse- Wilma from scotland. Had ultrasound stuff done of babies again but this time have to wait for it to input in computer and nurse to tell me.

Sooo.. here's hoping for tomorrow. I'm here and miserable so let's get it done!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, I'm sorry! That is just way too sucky! Hospitals are bad enough-I'm with you, just get it over with!! Hope your night is an easy one.
