The boys were born last night (11-29) via c-section at 7 pm. They are both doing very well. They are in NICU (neonatal ICU0 but are really doing very well. Reid was born first at 5lbs 13oz and 18.5in long. Cole came in at 4lbs 7.8ounces and also about 18in long. Both boys are on some IV antibiotics as a precaution, and Cole had amniotic fluid still in his lungs- same thing Boone did when born. Cole needed help breathing but is already completely off the oxygen canula. They are making excellent progress and other than Cole's size we expect a fairly short stay in NICU. Reid may get released before Cole but you never really know. I was able to breastfeed both around lunch time and this was huge. For babies who were born before even 36weeks gestation! Especially Cole since he is so small. I was really pleased.
As for how it went down, we came in Sunday morning due to my blood pressure. The c-section had already been moved from 37wks to 36 wks (which wld have been tomorrow 12/1) per the specialists recommendation. So they admitted us for a 24 hr urine and to stay until surgery whether or not it was Monday or wed. My labs came back with protein at 4pm yesterday so thus the surgery. I ate this morning for first time after 36hrs!! We will post pics when we can.
Wow!!! Reid is a chunk!!!!!!! Wonderful news that they are nursing already! That's boys for you! Thats how Ryan was---hungry! can't wait to see pictures!